LIQUIDCAPSULE Manufacturing LLC  has worked with companies producing medical foods successfully for the last seven years.  The high integrity standards of medical foods rely on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Medical foods are distinct from the broader category of foods for special dietary use, from traditional foods that bear a health claim, and from dietary supplements. In order to be considered a medical food the product must, at a minimum:

  • be a food for oral ingestion or tube feeding (nasogastric tube)
  • be labeled for the dietary management of a specific medical disorder, disease or condition for which there are distinctive nutritional requirements, and
  • be intended to be used under medical supervision.

Medical foods can be classified into the following categories:

  • Nutritionally complete formulas
  • Nutritionally incomplete formulas
  • Formulas for metabolic disorders
  • Oral rehydration products

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9216 Palm River Road, Suite 203
Tampa, Florida 33619 USA
Telephone: (813) 676-0423